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Create your dream home in Fredericksburg

Connecting home buyers and home owners with the Fredericksburg area’s leading home builders and remodelers.

Expert Craftsmanship

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Business Card sized ad for Fulton Mortgage Company

This Year’s Winner

The Bailey Mae

By 2023 Pinnacle Builder of the Year – Halsey Homes

Beautifully appointed ‘build on your lot’ home with all the modern amenities you could ask for.

2023 Winner

Finding someone to create your dream home is hard

Buying a new home should be an exciting time for you and your family. However, with today’s cutthroat and bidding war filled old-house resale market, purchasing someone else’s old house gets more difficult daily.

New homes are energy efficient, all the appliances and mechanical equipment are brand new, you can remodel your home, pick your amenities in a semi-custom, or build a custom home just for you, and best of all, there is no one trying to outbid you.


Don’t go through the hassle of a bidding war for someone else’s old house – buy new or build your own!


Build the home you’ve always wanted or remodel the home you already have with a trusted FABA member.


A custom home builder

Access our directory of first-class custom builders that will build your brand new home.


Someone to remodel my home

Bring your home back to life with an impressive remodel from one of our members.

remodeling projects

Fall in Love with Your Home Again

Look through a range of houses that have already been remodeled to give you some inspiration and view our members.


View Models & Properties

See available properties, exciting new plans, or gorgeous semi-custom homes ready for you to make them yours.

3 steps to creating your dream home


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build or remodel your dream home

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